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How YOU Can Write A Best Selling Book: 7 Critical Keys (A Guest Post by Jaime Buckley)


Philip Verghese 'Ariel'

Last updated on Sep 7, 2017

How YOU Can Write A Best Selling Book: 7 Critical Keys


I am so glad to introduce this week’s Guest Author Jaime Buckley.  A bestselling author cartoonist and a prolific fiction writer.

He is a loving husband and father of 12 talented, brilliant kids.  He has become the children’s champion and a parent’s best friend. Author, illustrator & popular parenting blogger, he writes about his exploits, sharing daily tips and techniques with readers. Jaime entertains the young and young-at-heart through epic fantasy and his off-the-wall parental cleverness. His focus and passion revolve around the potential of others.

I am glad that I met him on my blogging journey at yet another wonderful and amazing personality Carol Amato’s page where he joined as a Guest Author. Read more about him at the links given at the bottom of this post.

In this post he talks about his very passion, I am not dragging, Read on…


I was delighted to receive the invitation to share some information on my single greatest passion outside of being a father: writing fiction.

My career didn’t start out as a writer but as a cartoonist. I was making monthly comic books for youth and selling them around the world. I have to let you know, and I say this with a huge smile on my face, that my second biggest readership in the world was in India!

So it’s with extra joy that I write this now…

Stories are THE most powerful teaching and selling Tools Available

It’s the perfect time to write your story and get it published. Not tomorrow, not next week.



With the dramatic changes in the publishing industry and landscape, there’s a tool for your every need and platforms in social media to get your story seen by readers all over the world.

How would I know that? It’s because I’ve been doing this for ten years now and when I started, writing and publishing comic books, there was no such thing as a Kindle or an eReader. The process, though a bit more complicated, was still possible even then.

Today I have set the pencil, paper, and inks aside to publish the epic fantasy stories I was made to tell. Through this process, I’ve been able to touch the minds and hearts of thousands upon thousands of readers.

Fact is, storytelling is the most powerful tool available, hands down.

  • A story gains a persons attention.
  • Stories are used in every medium of life, from parenting to advertising to higher education.
  • Storytelling can be learned and is not dependent on natural talent alone.
  • Stories are remembered than raw information because they draw on emotions to cement the experience.
  • Stories are naturally shared, which increases word of mouth advertising for those who use it.


So here I am, ten years later, 21 books under my belt…and it’s only the beginning. Entertaining and teaching people around the world is what I do and you can do it too.

Now, this article isn’t the place to teach you writing skills, but while I’ve been writing my Chronicles of a Hero series, there are 7 critical keys you must NEVER do if you want to craft a best selling book.


  • Try Not To Lose Your Readers (except IN the story). Write your story so it’s easy to follow and not overly confusing. Stories too challenging will be set aside, never to be picked up again.
  • Keep It Filled With Emotion So Readers Don’t Get Bored. There’s always a balance between action, adventure, suspense, and wonder. Keep it flowing, keep it real.
  • If You Rely On Flashbacks To Tell A Story, You Won’t Have A Future As A Writer. Flashbacks should be used sparingly, if ever because they can pull a mind and heart out of the flow of a story.
  • Fulfill Your Promise And The Needs Of Your Readers. Every story makes a promise. To save the world, rescue a princess, or perhaps to reveal a truth. Great stories may hide or redirect, but they always seek to deliver on the initial promise given at the start of the book.
  • Never Be Predictable. Nothing is worse than investing a portion of your life into someone else’s creation and suddenly realizing you’ve wasted that time altogether. The journey must be worth it!
  • Maintain The Balance. Modern fiction tends to be heavy in one aspect or another: dialogue, intimacy or romance, violence. Don’t do that. A great story is balanced and uses multiple triggers to affect the reading experience.
  • Make Your Story Easy To Find! This comes down to recommendations as well as multiple sources to acquire the story. When a book is completed, it should be available both in eBook and print, as well as through all the popular vendors so readers have an easy time finding it for themselves.


How Do I Get Started Writing & Publishing Today?

I’m glad you asked! Phillip cares about you very much. So much so, he’s placed some of the best tools in his sidebar for your use, which will trigger your imagination, empower your writing skills and then guide you through the publishing process.

How do I know they work?

because I wrote them to do just that.


Worldbuilding Basics: This first book is for those wanting to dip their toes into the creative process of creating the world they desire to write about. The collection takes you through a specific 31 Day series of blog posts on worldbuilding and will give a novice writer a good foundation to build their own fictional world.


Advanced WORLDBUILDING: Advanced Worldbuilding is a unique guide that takes you by the hand and helps you understand the ‘why’ of worldbuilding. Written in the form of a conversation with a friend, taking you, step by step, through the process of creation with a focus on the end goal: To tell a great story.


Create continents, races, governments, religions, technology, magic, plant & animal life—all with check lists of what readers will be looking for. Advanced Worldbuilding is a fantastic tool for any writer, regardless of skill level…and a critical addition to any world building arsenal.


MADE FROM SCRATCH: If you’ve ever wanted to know how to publish a book and get it to readers around the world, then this is the book for you. It doesn’t matter what kind of budget you have…including no budget at all—MADE FROM SCRATCH will show you how to get your book completed, packaged and out to the market in the shortest time possible.


Develop the skills and perspectives to take full control over your own publishing project and leave the doubt behind. MADE FROM SCRATCH will change the way you view publishing. It gives you the tools to make a seemingly impossible goal…a complete success.


You Can DO This!

Jaime Buckley

No matter what your writing goals, from articles or short stories to novels…you, can learn to be a Best Selling author and get your story in front of hungry readers!

This site contains vital tools and tips to help you harness your creativity and focus it in the right direction.

The world has hungry readers looking for the next great story to read and share with others. That means there’s an audience not only waiting for you…but an income source you’ve yet to tap into.

Carol Amato

Read Jaime’s Guest post at Carol Amato’s Page.  A must read in relation to the above write-up:

50,000 Reasons Why Every Blogger Should Learn To Publish :

To Read a bit more about this wonderful personality’s personal side Please Click HERE 

Also to read his blog writings please click HERE

Thank You, Jaime, for your valuable time with my readers.  I appreciate your willingness to be a guest author at Philipscom.

We Wish you all the best in your future endeavors


for Philipscom


Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’

The post How YOU Can Write A Best Selling Book: 7 Critical Keys (A Guest Post by Jaime Buckley) appeared first on Philipscom.

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